Reagan & Reagan combines technical knowledge with practical business experience to serve our clients as trusted advisors. We work hands-on with business entrepreneurs and their companies at all stages of the business life cycle, including business plan development, organizational design, financial projections, working capital requirements, start-up, management controls, best practices, revenue acceleration, cash conservations and performance monitoring.

We also help entrepreneurs prepare their businesses for acquisition or liquidation as well as develop exit strategies.  In today’s business environment, the future of your business depends on your ability to adapt to change without losing track of your goals. As your trusted business advisors, we use the challenges you identify as a springboard for developing and implementing effective strategies to help you navigate the complicated business world and come out successfully on the other side.

Our Business Consulting services include:

  • Outsourced CFO services
  • Strategic business planning
  • Due diligence procedures
  • Business valuation
  • Business plan guidance
  • New business formation
  • Litigation support
  • Business forecasting and projections
  • Financial analysis